
Thinking of changing preschools...WWYD?

O's best friend's mom stopped me after dropoff this morning and told me that her son will be going to another school next year.  It's actually the school I have O down for kindergarten and was even of thinking of sending him for 4k too.  (he'll be in Toddler 3 next year).  It's a bit more expensive though they offer 5 mornings a week instead of 4 which I would love.  If the online prices are right then 5 days is $280 a month and 4 days is $250 a month.  I currently pay $175 for 4 days which is super cheap and I'm assuming that will go up to $200 next year.  I love where he's at and it's in my neighborhood but they don't have enough interest to offer extra activities like after school art classes, yoga, ect.

This other school is a five minute drive or so compared to my 2 minute drive so it's not a big deal and I might actually be motivated to then go help DH since it's closer to work instead of going home and nesting...This other school is also at a church which I like but the facilities are much nicer!! They have seperate (and really nice) playgrounds for the different ages, they have a really nice gym (we don't have one at all)...there's more parent participation, ect...

My neighbor is actually the kindergarten director and I just left her a message.  I'm going to discuss it with DH later.  I've been thinking about moving him anyways to a different school so this might just be the motivation. 

Another one of the boys O went to school with in the nursery and toddler 1 is at this school so he'll be with some friends. 

WWYD? Thanks.

Re: Thinking of changing preschools...WWYD?

  • My girls' preschool is the same place as their kindergarten.  It is nice because they know everyone, are familiar with the building, and there is really no trouble with the transition to kindergarten.  My 8 y/o's best friends are still the ones she met in 3 y/o preschool.  :) 
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