Are you trying to lose weight? Do you consider yourself a healthy eater?
I'm following weight watchers, but have been "paying attention" to what I've been eating for the past 10 years or so. I like to think I have reasonably good eating habits, but I could certainly up my veggie intake. I also have a wicked sweet tooth that I have to keep under control.
Sample day for me:
Re: What do you eat during a typical day?
Bagel & Coffee for breakfat - 7 days a week
Lunch varies. Salad, soup, sandwich, pasta...
Dinner, usually a bowl of cereal, and a bunch of crap like cheese, cookies, nuts.
I usually eat a yogurt and fruit for breakfast or a little omlet and piece of toast for breakfast, I count out my pretzals and goldfish for snack and eat them super slow. I recently started buying the 100 calorie popcorn and then I split it with DS. For lunch and dinner I'll have a smart one or lean cuisine or a small sandwhich, some veggies...I did WW for a short bit so I think of everything in points.
I also make alot of quiche but with skim milk...even my potato soup is made with skim and broth and it's awesome.
I need to get back on some sort of health kick b/c it's almost noon and I've only had coffee...I think I'll have a yogurt and a bannana for lunch. I'm getting girls scout cookies and I'm going to eat them all this week and then start fresh on Sunday. Good luck. I was emailed the WW crockpot recipes from another nestie if you want to try any of those...
after reading that sample daily menu I am officially freaking STARVING.
Breakfast - A whole wheat english muffin with 1 tbs of jelly and a little butter
Lunch - A WW frozen meal (mac and cheese is my favorite), yogurt, string cheese
Dinner - Shrimp Scampi with whole wheat pasta, green beans and 2% milk.
I try to eat everything in moderation. And I try to bring in my own lunch as often as possible. I find that going out to lunch is what will kill me during the day.
oh schweb, I feel you. That is not by choice. I'm desperately trying to lose the rest of my "baby weight", after I was informed by a friend that since my youngest is turning two, it can no longer be referred to as baby weight. I'm just fat! :-)
And, to top it off, I saw DH's weight on the scale this am. Let's just say that I'm dangerously close to weighing the same as him.
Ideal sample menu for me:
Pancakes with butter & maple syrup, scrambled eggs,coffee with half & half,
Cheeseburger, fries, cupcakes
A gut blowing amount of Greek food, including fries with shaved feta, followed by wine or beer & cake
sugar, sugar, & a little more sugar to balance it out
Breakfast: Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal, or two eggs
Snack: Fruit
Lunch: Cup of soup/small salad, or bigger salad with some kind of protein (chicken, tuna, etc.)
Snack: Handful of nuts or a couple of crackers w/ cheese or peanut butter
Dinner: Usually 3-4 ounces of protein (chicken, fish, or beef) and salad.
Dessert (sometimes) -- fruit or a scoop of ice cream or sugarfree pudding
I am trying to eat healthier, but I am not nearly as healthy as I'd like to be.
Breakfast- Cold cereal or whole wheat toast with peanutbutter, milk
Lunch- Leftovers from the night before or a yogurt, wheat thins, and fruit
Dinner- It varies. Pasta, homemade pizza, casserole, rice, etc..
Snacks- cottage cheese, a few crackers, cheese or an apple, sometimes a "bad" dessert if I made one, which is rare.
Breakfast- Special K with strawberries dry, coffee
Lunch-Hummus and Pita Chips
Dinner-Whatever I am cooking, tonight is paninis and fruit salad
Two days a week DH and I go out for a big lunch so I have a small salad with 15 calorie dressing for dinner
I just eat healthy to stay fit. (and because my husband is a healthly eater, or I probably wouldnt be, LOL!)
Breakfast: 5 egg whites, whole wheat english muffin, milk
Snack: nuts, granola bar, oatmeal, fruit, celery/PB
Lunch: huge salad with 1 can tuna, carrots, cucumber, oil/vinigar dressing or turkey on whole wheat pita bread, fruit, water
Snack: boiled eggs, apple or banana, carrot sticks
Dinner: 1 serving of baked or grilled chicken, pork, fish or turkey with 1 veggie, 1 fruit and 1 serving carbs (rice/pasta or bread).
Dessert: something chocolatey usually or a bowl of cereal!