DD#1 has been potty trained since shorty after Christmas, I think. And she's done great with it. Very proud and independent little girl. The past 5 days or so, however, we've had a bit of a set back. She had an accident at daycare on Friday, a couple on Saturday and Sunday, two yesterday, etc. No bm accidents though, but she didn't bm Friday or Saturday at all.
On Thursday, the last time she peed normally on the potty, she said it hurt. I checked her panties and found a couple spots of dried blood. I checked her out, and saw a tiny abrasion. Very tiny. She has this bad habit of pulling up on herself when she's on the potty and peering between herself to try to see what is going on, so I figured she had either pulled too hard or scratched herself. No big deal. I put ointments on her, and she appeared to be all healed by morning.
Then the accidents started. And she kept saying it hurt to pee. Since the abrasion was healed, I started to worry about a UTI since those are common among the women in my family. I took her to the ER (I'm a worrier), and she was all clear, and they didn't see any abrasion either.
So then I thought she was just being obstinate. But since she'll bm on the potty still, I don't know if that makes sense. She knows she has to pee because I'll see her grab herself, but she refuses to go to the potty, says she doesn't want to. No matter what kind of bribes I try.
And she's still saying her bottom hurts...
Okay, sorry so long, but does anyone have any insight?
Re: Potty strike or something wrong?