
Zooper Tango?

I rarely see this stroller mentioned here.  Does anyone have it and if so, do you like it?

Re: Zooper Tango?

  • I'm not a MoM but ocasionally lurk on this board out of curiousity :-)

    I have two kids 18 months apart and have a Zooper Tango. Ours is a slightly older version, I think it's a 2007, I bought it on craigslist. Overall I like it. For me the big draw was that it's compatible with our infant seat (SnugRide) so I can put that on one side and have my toddler sit in the other side (I didn't find many SBSs that are compatible with carseats.) I'm not sure if you can put a carseat in both sides simultaneously but I'm don't think so....Anyway, it drives wonderfully and is very easy to maneuver, fold and unfold, and it's not particularly heavy compared to other doubles I tested. I like the individual sun shades, the single push bar, and the belly bar (I'm not a fan of strollers with nothing in front of the kids). The extra accessories are nice (it came with a ranshield, UV cover, leg warmer). And it's just really well-made, and cute :-)

    Things I don't like: the storage basket underneath is way too small and not easily accessible (I think they changed this in new models though). Lack of snack tray/cup holder for the kids. That's about it!


  • That's great!  Thanks for the insight!  I really appreciate the help.


    One ?--since it can hold a carseat on one side, are the seats different sizes (like the 60/40 aria) or are they pretty much the same size?

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  • The seats are the same size, which will be nice when both girls are sitting in them. I just don't know if you could fit two carseats because the handle of the carrier hangs slightly over the middle so they might not fit if you tried to put two in there.

  • I have one and love it.  The shades can actually fully cover the kids so other people can't see them, but they can still see out.  This is so nice for times when I am in a hurry and don't want to be bothered by a bunch of people going nuts over the girls.  The newer model has a pretty good sized basket although it's not easily accessible if the seats are laid back.  I have a diaper bag that will sling across the handle so it's not really a problem for me. The seats are evenly sized so you can only use one carseat at a time with it. The best thing about it is being able to easily steer it with one hand.
    Isabella and Caitlin
    Our Blog
  • So glad you asked this because this is the stroller I am looking to buy.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Aubrey & Anthony
  • Thanks again for the insight! I don't need to use it with carseats--this will be the stroller I plan to use after the snap n go.  I think I may go ahead and buy it.
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