
1 yr old vomit help?

dylan (12 months adjusted 15.5 actual) for the past 2 nights has thrown up when he goes to bed. ?he was on 70% whole milk and 30% alimentum for the past 2 months and yesterday we switched to 100% whole milk bottles. ?he's fine all day...and after his 7pm bottle we put him down, he screams for a few minutes and pukes. ?we go in, have to wake cassidy b/c of the drama of pj changing and sheet changing. ?last night we re-fed him his bottle, put him down again, he puked again, we changed everything again and then he went to bed. ? re-feed...bed...scream for a minute or 2...then asleep. ?he's never had a problem with whole milk, cheese, or yogurt, he has no issue during the day either. ?what is it? so annoying. sorry so long.

Re: 1 yr old vomit help?

  • this is going to sound crazy, but do you think he might be cutting his molars?  Drake puked horribly Saturday night, and I thought for sure he was getting really sick. He's still acting off, but he's drooling all over the place and I'm starting to think he's feeling yukky from those blasted molars.
  • cassidy is, so it's possible. ?he's gnawing on his fingers all day. ?i'm just confused...why at night when he goes to bed? ?
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  • Max threw up really bad the other day, but 10 min later was eating his breakfast like nothing happened.  I noticed today he was getting his molars so maybe pp is right 

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  • That happened to Sal a few times too. ?We concluded that it was having too much milk right before going to bed. ?(I never thought about pp idea of him cutting his molars, which he has been) ?We now offer his last cup of milk before we go upstairs to get him ready for bed and it's been working so far.?
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