If you had the NF and the doctor made a guess at the gender, was it right? Our doctor thought it looked like a boy but of course I was just 12.5 weeks at the time so I'm wondering how accurate they are that early.
Nadia Irene 8/13/07
Reid Owen 8/18/09
Re: Nuchal fold screening and gender
#1 -- said BOY at 12 w 2 d = Correct
#2 -- said GIRL at 12 w 3 d = Correct
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
They were right...the tech thought she saw a penis but wasn't going on record. I was actually 11 .5 wks at that point. It was confirmed at 16 wks
They guessed boy at my NF test and it was confirmed at 20 weeks US.
My friend they said girl at NF test and at 20 weeks it was a boy...
We are not finding out this time..