
Nuchal fold screening and gender

If you had the NF and the doctor made a guess at the gender, was it right? Our doctor thought it looked like a boy but of course I was just 12.5 weeks at the time so I'm wondering how accurate they are that early.
Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09

Re: Nuchal fold screening and gender

  • Yes the dr and tech were right. I was about 13 weeks and their best guess was boy. This pregnancy, they couldn't even guess, and I found out at the big us she is a girl.
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  • #1 -- said BOY at 12 w 2 d = Correct

    #2 -- said GIRL at 12 w 3 d = Correct


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • They were right...the tech thought she saw a penis but wasn't going on record.  I was actually 11 .5 wks at that point.  It was confirmed at 16 wks

  • They said boy.  CVS confirmed boy. 
  • EMTEMT member

    They were right...the tech thought she saw a penis but wasn't going on record.  I was actually 11 .5 wks at that point.  It was confirmed at 16 wks


  • both my NTS were at 12w2d - both guessed boy for DS, and both twins - and both were confirmed to be correct at later USs.
  • Mine was correct (about 13 weeks).  They said girl and I'm having a girl.  I did a poll on here afterwards and of the 10 or so people who answered, only one said that she got a wrong guess (they said girl but it was a boy).
  • our friends dr guessed and they were correct, it was a boy.  They told us both times they were not allowed to even guess.
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  • I got a guess at 12w4d and they told me girl. It was confirmed at 16 and 21 weeks that she is in fact a girl.
  • They guessed boy at my NF test and it was confirmed at 20 weeks US. 

    My friend they said girl at NF test and at 20 weeks it was a boy...

    We are not finding out this time..

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