Canada Babies


Ok- so you posted on 6-12 about the carseat dilemma and I had the "Safety: Home, Car etc" talk at Baby Talk today so I asked about it.  I didn't see one on my carseat (it's old, was used by my sister), but the child carseats have a setting on them that you can recline it to the 45 degrees it should be for our LOs.  DH has our vehicle, so I'll have a look at mine when he gets home.  Maybe this was painfully obvious, but I really haven't seen anything like what was on the carseat she was showing....

I figured I'd post here and not on 6-12, because, well, let's face it- as long as you look at this board within the next year, you should be able to easily find this 'page' Wink

DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10

Re: ***Brookie***

  • I for real lol'd at you about finding the page on this board.  This is turning into our private message board :)

    I am pretty sure it is reclined as far as it can go but tomorrow i am going to go out there and play around with it and look for it.  Did they say anything about putting the water "noodle" things as a wedge in there?  Thanks for asking!

    What is this Baby Talk thing?

  • haha- well, I could have posted it on 6-12 and you might have seen it, but likely not... and I never see those PMs until they're a month old- so, that's pointless.

    Yeah- she said you could cut up a pool noodle and wedge it underneath too- we're supposed to make sure that it's reclined to 45 degrees.  We can get ours checked at ICBC and BCAA if we call and they can suggest what to do specifically.  I don't know if your car insurance outfit would offer the same??

    Baby Talk is put on by Interior Health.  The Public Health Nurses run it and are on hand before and after to weigh the babes and answer question, give BFing support- they're the only reason I lasted as long as I did- all the doctors figured it was pointless for me to even try BFing. 

    Anyhow, there are 15 topics that rotate and a bunch of moms get together, learn something, and then go for coffee afterwards.  It's a pretty cool idea- they do baby yoga, infant sign language, safety, feeding solids etc etc and it's free and a chance to meet other moms.

    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
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  • that's really cool.  On Wednesdays you can go and weigh your baby at the clinic and they have nurses available for questions and they try to encourage the Moms to go and talk to each other but no topics.  I don't think anyone really goes.
  • It's definitely handy.  We can go to the clinic any day to weigh our babes, and make appts to talk with the health nurses/dietician.  The dietician is my new BFF with A's allergies.  The health nurses were awesome too though through all the low supply issues too.  Can't say enough good things about them :)
    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
  • and a dietician!  Gah, I miss living in BC when I hear about this stuff :) 

    My friend just had her baby and they live in Vancouver and there are all these pics of her H sleeping in the hospital room with them, here they kick your H out at 11pm. 

    So what allergies does the little man have?  Is that what got in the way of BFing?  Do you and your H have allergies too?

  • You can't room-in there??  Gees... I can't imagine- especially after a c-section- I couldn't have done it without DH!  I didn't change one single diaper while in hospital!!

    He's allergic to dairy and soy.  I tried elimination and he was fine, but I also had a breast reduction, so I was lucky to even be able to BF at all.  DH is allergic to tree nuts, I have no allergies.  The pedi expects that because we had to supplement with formula and formula has cow's milk and soy proteins in it, that DS reacted to it.  I managed 2.5 months without either but my supply totally tanked and DS rejected BFing alltogether by 4.5 months Sad.

    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
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