
Did anyone have their twins early due to Pre-clampsia?

If so when did you have them? 

Re: Did anyone have their twins early due to Pre-clampsia?

  • i had the boys at 33w2d due to pre-eclampsia. it wasn't severe, but combined with a PUPPS rash, the doctor decided to deliver me.
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  • Me. It was severe with a bit of Hellp. I went in for a non stress test for contractions, my BP was high, protein in urine. They did blood work, and my platlets were falling and my liver enzymes rising. They delivered me that night at 32 wks exactly. They stayed in the NICU for 19 days, and I had the steroid shots two weeks prior b/c of contractions and being hospitalized.
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  • 35 weeks 5 days

    I checked into the hospital on a Wednesday due to high blood pressure at one of my checkups.  They gave me mag just in case for 24 hours and had me do a 24 hour urine test.  They also kept taking blood to check my platlets.  On Thursday night/Friday afternoon they were talking about sending me home because I was just fine.  Friday night my back was KILLING me between my shoulder blades.  The night nurse was a jerk and just kept massaging me like I was just being a wimp.  The morning nurse called the doc right away and had blood drawn again -- my platlet dropped drastically and they took the babies on Saturday because my liver was really starting to get messed up. 

    I had water retention the 2 weeks prior (gaining 5 lbs per week) but otherwise I was doing just fine before my Wednesday appointment.

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  • you might want to post on the preemie board. ?there are a few pre-e girls there. ?i'm sure they'd give you helpful information. ?HTH
  • I didn't actually develop pre-e, but was showing signs that it was coming (elevated bp, little bit of protein in my urine), so the peri induced me to avoid further complications. ?I delivered at 35w6d.
  • 36 weeks, 2 days. I was scheduled for a c section (Luke was breach) at 37 weeks, 6 days but I went in for my weekly check and my blood pressure shot up out of no where. Dr decided to deliver that day. Twins were perfect, no NICU time.
  • I did at 30w 3 days, I had severe pre-e with hellp, unfortunately with me, it was a very rare case, where i had no true symptoms (except looking back, my vision was starting to blur quite a bit) , and since my BP is usually really low, they didn't catch on that since my BP was "normal" it was high for me. i ended up being very sick, and not able to see my boys for 3 days. they did great though and were in the special care nursery for 3 weeks.?
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  • Ditto pea-kay. I had it with the PUPPS rash (oh what misery that was) so I delivered at 36 weeks 4 days.
  • I had mine at 30w3d due to pre-eclampsia and the beginnings of HELLP.  I called in the evening to double check on blood I had taken one morning  and the on call doctor (it was Saturday) called me back and asked me to come in for monitoring. They expected to treat me and keep me on hospital bedrest for as long as possible.  By 1am the following morning (Sunday) my water broke on Baby A and by 5:27 I delivered baby A and 5:44 baby B.


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