

I am just wondering if you all started swelling early in your pregnancy. My doctor said I look right on time and i'm gaining approprietly, but about 2 weeks ago I started swelling. Now it has gotten to the point to where I can' t bend my toes or ankles. Then last night dh noticed that they are now bruising too. I have an appointment on the 9th so I thought I would ask then, but is it normal for it to be this bad already.

Re: Swelling?

  • I would call your doctor to ask about it. I am nearly 31w and still am not swelling like that (the most I get is a little puffy ankles if I'm sitting/standing a lot). I'd drink a ton of water to flush some of the fluid and get those legs elevated as much as possible. That sounds like a lot of swelling to me, so I'd call to double-check, but maybe I'm unusual and others have had the same experience at that stage. Good luck.
  • I would definitely call and not wait.  I started swelling about 9 or 10 days ago and I called them and they had me come in that afternoon.  Swelling can be an indicator of a lot more serious things.
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  • Thanks ladies, I'm going to call here in a little bit.
  • Let us know what the doctor says.  I didn't start to swell until 30 weeks. 
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