
11mo and 5mo interacting/playing together?

My in August when my family heads to FL my DS will be 5mo (which is amazing considering he isnt even born yet!) My nephew will be 11 months around this time. DH is worried that DS will be too little to play with or have interaction with my nephew, but I'd think with supervision they'd be ok...if the 11mo even has interest in the lil one! What do you think?

Re: 11mo and 5mo interacting/playing together?

  • They might not be best friends, but I think that babies are interested in each other, maybe a little too interested, but I definitely would not have a problem with them interacting with supervision (Like you would leave a 5 months old unsupervised.)
  • I think your DH is right.  At 5 months, he'll probably just watch your nephew and smile at him, but not really play with him.  The 11 month old will probably be too busy to sit and play anyways!

    Have a nice trip!

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
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  • I think that they will like looking at each other, and the 11 month old may try to interact a little, and may happily say "baby!!"  but they won't be able to "play".  THey may be interested in some of the same toys-like a ball popper.

    But, I don't really see how this is something to "worry" about.  You'll still get some cute pictures of the two of them together. 

  • At most, they'll look at each other and move on.  At least, they'll ignore each other.  My BFF brought her 5-month-old down for DD#2's first birthday party.  DD#2 was interested in the baby and kept saying baby. Obviously, we had to supervise them as DD was as likely to step on the baby without noticing her as she was to look at the baby.  She tried to give the baby some of her toys even (which we all thought was cute as long as it wasn't anything hard or thrown at the baby).  She tried.  My friend's DD mostly just watched the girls. She was totally fascinated with them and loved just watching what they were doing.  They all actually did really well.
  • Thanks for the input ladies.. DH is just worried about his lil boy getting hurt by the jealous 11mo. DH is cute lol
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