
s/o: PIP of me with shorter hair

For those that wanted to see.


Re: s/o: PIP of me with shorter hair

  • It's cute; but honestly I really like it how you have it now :)
  • You look great both ways.  I do like it shorter though!
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  • If I *had* to chose- I like it longer.


    I like longer hair on women :o)

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • I love your hair in the 2nd picture and now best.
  • I like it longer!  You look good with short hair, but I just like the longer hair more.


    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • Very cute!  But I'm also liking the longer hair better!
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  • You are making this hard because you look great in the short pics too.  I love your hair now but I do like the last pic with the short hair with the lighter color but I thinking coloring hair is a hassle and you have such a pretty natural color.    If you wear glasses most of the time, I think your current frames look nice with the longer length.  I think if you went short they might be different looking , kwim


  • I like # 2. Its very trendy, and looks very easy to maintain. I got my haircut recently like that (only a little longer) and its so much easier to wash and go. It always looks put together with little effort.
  • You look great both ways and colors but I personally prefer your hair style and color now.
  • It looks great both ways!  But if I had to choose, I would stay with the longer.  It's something new!

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