
Oh Jodi!

Hey Stranger!

I haven't seen you around in a while! What's new?

Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>

Re: Oh Jodi!

  • hi love!  How are you? 

    nothing new here.  Getting over bronchitis --- was out Wed-Fri last week.  I'm working from home today --- well, still waiting to hear if I my boss will let me.  If she won't, I'm taking a personal day.  Roads are horrible and I have an hour commute on a dry day.

    heading to FL on Wed through Sun.  Can't wait.  No kids!  :)

    What's new with you?

  • Oh vacation sans kiddos! Awe.some- you guys so deserve it!

    This snowis for the freakin birds, huh? We went from zero snow in our yard to a good 10 inches today!


    Nothing new here, I am so boring :o)

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
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