I want to get a coverup for Sam for when he's he's by our pool this summer. This one is on sale and cute. What do you think? The blue make it gender neutral, right?
When I first saw it, I thought girl. ?The blue does make it (sort of) gender neutral, but I see lady bugs and think girl. But it IS just a cover up, not like you are putting him in a pink frilly Easter dress :-)
I think it is gender neutral. I say if it is cheap go ahead. If you find something cuter later that you like, you won't be too worried about him having 2!
I saw those, but I was worried they would be too big for a 2 y.o. . They only had a butterfly and pink kitty in the toddler sizes, which definitely screams girl!
Just saw it. I think it is cute but I think "girl" only because it is a ladybug. I'd also be concerned when washing it until like the 10th time (dye running).
Re: Do you like this swim coverup? PIP
ha, I hate the views feature!
I think it is gender neutral. I say if it is cheap go ahead. If you find something cuter later that you like, you won't be too worried about him having 2!
I think it looks a tad girly- I dunno I see ladybugs and think girl. But have you seen this link? Maybe uou could find something there?! GL!
Or these
I saw those, but I was worried they would be too big for a 2 y.o. . They only had a butterfly and pink kitty in the toddler sizes, which definitely screams girl!
I may be the only one but I didn't think girly when I saw it. I think its cute.
I too would worry about the dye running.
L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)! (Irish names)
Too busy to update the pics for now ...