Baby Names

what do you think of Maddox


 the middle name will be Dean, so Maddox Dean.

OK my DH says he likes it and would pronouce it "maddex" not "Madd-Ox"---how do you think it's pronounced?

Also, my son's name is Bennett (this is our second) ---does it go together?

Re: what do you think of Maddox

  • I love the name itself, but probably would never use it. I feel like I would get all those "Brangelina" references.
  • I don't like the name at all, and the whole Brangelina thing make me dislike it more. 
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  • I also like it but couldn't use it because of Angelina. (Especially since my name is Angie! LOL) Still, I would not find fault in someone else using it. The Angelina reference will be constant though since many didn't know the name before her.
  • i think it's pronounced "madd-ux," but it's too brangelina.  pretty soon we're going to run out of name choices altogether because of them.
  • I like it. I do think of "Brangelina" but that just makes me think people will be more likely to pronounce it correctly ;) Regardless, if you chose it, it will become your DS's name and people aren't always going to think of Angelina's son.
    CP 3/07
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  • LMS05LMS05 member
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  • imagebrandonsfuturewife07:
    i think it's pronounced "madd-ux,"

    I meant to say this, too!

  • I like it.  But, like the others, I would be too hesitant to use it because of Angelina.  I did have a friend use Maddox as a mn and I thought it was very cute. 
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  • I had a child in daycare with the name Maddox... I like it a lot...
  • I don't dislike the name, but the Brangelina references would be unbearable for me.  I too pronounce it Mad-ux.  I don't think it really goes with Bennett, but I'm not sure it needs to either.
  • I really like this name.  I would pronounce it Madd-ux as well.

    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • I like the name, but because it's a such a recognizable celeb. baby name, I'd probably use it as a middle name.
  • I would also think Brangelina... and they do seem to have staying power for some time to come... it doesn't seem like they are going to take their 15 minutes of fame and fade away.  So, you would have constant questions for years to come, most likely even once the child reaches school age.

    For these reasons, I can't even think of what I think of the name on its own - this is all I can think of related to this name!

  • EMTXEMTX member
    Painfully trendy.

    In my bag: Canon 60D, 50mm 1.4, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 430exii Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would not do it. One everyone would reference it to Brangelina and two I can't stand either one of them.
  • I don't mind the name, I think it's really cute, but the Brangelina thing would bug me forever-- not because I'd see my child as that, but because other people will incessantly ask if that's why you chose the name, and constantly bring up Angelina Jolie.  I don't see her leaving the limelight anytime soon either, which just makes it worse.  I don't really think it goes with Bennett very well, though.  I think you can find something that works really well!

    Married in 2008 - DD born in 2010 - EDD 6.15.2012!
  • i think of Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt whenever i hear that name.....
  • imagemZoe:
    I love the name itself, but probably would never use it. I feel like I would get all those "Brangelina" references.

    Same here, but I really do like it. I'd pronounce it "Madd-ex," just like you said. I think Bennett is super cute and goes well with Maddox.

  • NMS - Agreeing with PP - all I can think of is Brangelina....
  • Madd-ux. I dislike this name period, and it has nothing to do with Brangelina.
  • I like Maddox but I still think of angelina, sorry
  • imagePianoPlayingSarah:
    NMS - Agreeing with PP - all I can think of is Brangelina....


  • I think it's adorable!!!!

    and I think it goes with your other son's name as well!

  • It's the Pitts. Pun intended.
  • i like it, and I think it goes great with Bennett
  • I like Maddox Dean. It goes very well with Bennett.

    Now, that being said.... I do think of Brangelina.... and that gives me the willies! I can't stand Angelina.... and Brad has gone downhill for me since he's been with her.

  • I like it. Go with it.
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