Canada Babies

MEC jogging strollers?

I swear yesterday I saw someone with an MEC jogging stroller.  I was all excited because that would cut out so much research for me as I trust them completly...on the MEC website all they carry is BOB stuff.

Anyone know if they have more in store than online?

And a s/o question here.  What jogging stroller do you have/want?

Re: MEC jogging strollers?

  • imageBrookie-Cookie:

    And a s/o question here.  What jogging stroller do you have/want?

    I have a BOB and I love it!  I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can take it out again.

  • I have no idea what they have in store.

    I have a BOB and LOVE it. 

    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
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  • I have a BOB as well. I like that I can push it through any terrain. But I hate that the back does not recline at all! It beasically stays in an upright postition. I also hate the 5 point harness but that because my son hates being strapped in like that. I wish strollers had the option of only using the lap belt.
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