Trying to Get Pregnant

MIL/SIL hit by Semi Last Night- Will Be Okay

Last night my MIL & SIL were coming home- MIL had been visiting her other son/grandkids and picked SIL up from college on her way home.  SIL was driving and they came up on an accident.  SIL stopped in time, but a semi came and hit them from behind.  Thankfully, they are both okay... MIL broke her arm and had to have surgery this morning as it was really bad and had a large concusion.  SIL came home with us last night with a mild concussion/bruises/scrapes & we got home at 3:00 a.m. this morning.

I am just a wreck!  I am so thankful they are okay, after seeing the car last night they are so lucky to be alive!!!  So during the stress of that I got AF this morning :-( plus I have to prepare for P/T conferences early this week & we were planning to list our house on Monday.... that can wait of course!! But I am beside myself trying to figure out how to help/take care of them and try to do some of the other things that have to be done (PT stuff) when I can.... plus I am super emotional with AF here. 

It was only my 2nd month TTC & my 1st month charting, so I know I have plenty of time to keep trying!  But last night MIL kept saying btw going in & out of consciousness (spelling?) about how sweet my niece & nephew (7 month old twins are) that she had just left.  MIL doesn't work and when we have one she has said she will watch it so I can keep teaching- so I kept thinking last night how great it would be to have good news about being pregnant soon to give her that to look forward to!  Then this morning- AF :( 

Like I said, the most important thing is they are going to be okay!  Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

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