Toddlers: 24 Months+

stupid question. need advice!

DS has a good-sized, warm baby blanket that is all he prefers to have in his crib at bedtime and naptime.  no stuffed animals, no pillows, no other blankets.  he will either cry until you remove them or quietly throw them over the side. 

the problem is that he moves around so much when he sleeps that he comes out from under his one blanket every night and can't figure out how to get it back on.  so, at least once a night, he calls me and i go in and cover him back up (he's usually freezing) and he goes right back to sleep.  the problem is is that i don't go back to sleep as easily and i'm so tired from the interrupted sleep every night.  he's a great kid as far as bedtime goes and a great sleeper except for this one thing. 

we've gotten him a "special big boy blanket!" and made it a big exciting deal about his new BIG blanket (which is just the quilt that came with his bedding) but he refuses it.  he also FREAKS out if he wakes to find that you have added a blanket after he has fallen asleep.  

any ideas? the best thing i can figure is to just keep adding the second blanket once he's asleep until he gets used to it and doesn't throw it over the side in the middle of the night. 
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