
Anyone have a tubal during c-section?

Did it add any more pain to healing?  Any complications related to the tubal? 

I'm having one with my c/s in March.

Diagnosed with PCOS June 2004 Abby born 2/2007 and Ally 3/2009 imagehttp://Life In

Re: Anyone have a tubal during c-section?

  • I did, it was my first c-section so I can't say if the healing or pain was any different, but I healed very quickly and as far as I know it was just fine.  I will warn you, although I was sure that I was done having kids (this one was #2 and I was 35) I still felt a little empty and sad knowing that I would never be pregnant of have another child.  I am sure the hormones added to that too.  GL!
  • My SIL had it with her 3rd child.  She had 2 c-sections before.  She said it was harder to heal from than the 1st two, but she also had a lot more stress, since my nephew was in the hospital for about 3 weeks after he was born and had some pretty major surgeries.  I am going to try paraguard and if that doesn't work, DH and I will duke it out over who gets the knife.
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  • 3 c-sections...last one I had a tubal.  There was no difference in the healing.  Mitch was in the NICU for 5 days, so sure I was more tired from not sleeping, but there was no more pain, at all. 

    My DH watched them do it, he said the tubes are like spaghetti noodles...a lot thinner than he expected.  He said they cut, tied and fried. 

    I recommend it if you know you are done.  I love being hormone BC free and not worrying (although, the stupid nurses, every one of them, had stories about "just delivering a baby from a woman with a tubal", so it took a good year before I was comfortable with my cycle and everything to not worry every.single.month.)

  • I had two c's and had a tubal after with the second.  There is no extra pain or extra healing time.  If the doc hadn't asked me 20 times while I was on the table "Are you sure?" I would not have even known they did it.
  • I'm planning to have it done during this c-section. I asked a few people if they noticed any difference and they said no. 

    I can tell you, though, I had an entire fallopian tube removed last summer (fun trip to the ER, let me tell you), and the only soreness I had was from my incisions (it was done laproscopically, so I had three small incisions).

    Happily married Mom to 2 beautiful little girls, 2 dogs and 2 cats (all rescues), 2 fish and one 29 year-old firebelly newt.
    ~ Hoping to add to our family by adoption via Connecticut DCF. Application submitted on 2/4/14. First home visit on 6/23/14. Started class 11/17/14.~

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