
I missed the game!!

what do you know about me? don't say Im funny- I know you guys just like to laugh at me- but what do you know about me? huh? huh?

Re: I missed the game!!

  • I know that you recently went out trolling...

    You got caught with your pants down...

    That you wear bloomers....

  • trolling with an ae?

    not me!

    ( I am thinking about it, though..)

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  • my grandma said if I didn't have anything nice to say, not to say anything at all=P 
  • I know that you never post pics of yourself or your kids and I demand that you do it NOW!
  • I know you like to goggle croc porn...

    I know what your puzzle expertise is...

    I know you have a DD named Juniper, but I can't remember DS's name...

    I know I gave you an AWESOME sig and you smooshed it. ;)

    I know you're one of my FAV nesties and you can REALLY get things going on here...


    Now, you have to say what you know about everyone that posted about you. :)

  • You like posts about poop. That's all I have.
  • deal!

    melandjeff- drinks like a ho-to the-bo, has a CUUUTE ittle chubbo, and an older kid whom I have never seen a pic of...

    Amandaandchris-very hip mom, republican ( the kind I respect!) always nice- never mean- shops more than I do...

    amia- suuuper down to earth, has trouble making it to the toilet, popular with good reason (due to niceness and likeability.)

    BoF- champion figure skater, has in fact posted photos ( even one with no make up and witchy jew hair!)

  • I swear you are Lucille Ball reincarnated. (And yes, that's a comment on your sense of humor but so what, shove it)

    I think Dust City = Denver, no?

    I seem to have the idea that you are friends with or at least know some celebrities or high profile people? Maybe from your escort days??

    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • oooooops.

    breezee- people say she looks like jennifer garner, but jennifer is a troll bag compared to breezeesleezee, lives in canadia, gorgeous children.

    mrs c- good mom anfd stepmom- really good. needs more r-e-s-p-e-c-t from the husband, likes bestiality porn

  • imageBrideofranken:

    amia- suuuper down to earth, has trouble making it to the toilet, popular with good reason (due to niceness and likeability.)

    haha! you crack me up, but what is this in ref to?

  • oh coker (when I see that I pronounce it coke-aire like the fronch... which turns into cokewhore in my head. every. time. ) I think your job sounds fun and stressful!!! and you might not return after batshedito, you're having a lady weekend tomorrow, which I envy!
  • You live in Denver, your H has red eyes and wears a pirate hat, you have a DD named Juniper and a red-haired DS named Wyatt.

    Your neighbor's kids come over all the time because their mom locks them out of the house and their house's cat pee smell overwhelms you.

    You are a super smeller and an atheist. We have eerily similar political views. You don't say the Pledge of Allegiance.

    You pee when you laugh. Or you did when you were pregnant.

    And you're my nestbian lover. I probably know more but I won't go on for fear you'll know how much I really do stalk you.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • You are hilarious.  One of my favorite nesties.  You live in Denver.  We have a lot of opinions that are polar opposites, but I still love ya.

    ETA: Awesome kid's names.  Okay, I cheated.  I read what Femme wrote and it reminded me.

  • imageBrideofranken:

    mrs c- good mom anfd stepmom- really good. needs more r-e-s-p-e-c-t from the husband, likes bestiality porn

    oh man- it's that obvious?! Sh!t

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