TTC After a Loss

mustangcutie, JenDale


Thank you for that site oh so fun!  I am really going to be obsessed and somethings I am feeling never even thought were symptoms!


Jen get on that site!



Re: mustangcutie, JenDale

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    Embarrassed i'm so there. this is really bad for my hypochondriasis LoL
    Oct 2008 m/c #1 5 weeks, May 2009 m/c #2 4w5d. BFP 6/23/09 EDD 3/8/10!
    You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
    After 1 year of TTC#2 BFP May 2011 m/c #3 4w2d. Off to RE.

    Round 1: Femara + Ovidrel +TI = BFP! EDD 2/20/12
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