TTC After a Loss

Gah! I am pretty sure this won't be my month...

We have been at the beach this week.  Monday, (at 4dpo) after a wonderful cycle---clear O and a "High" rating on FF, I got food poisoning.  To the point of hospitalization.  I am fine now, and ate today for the first time. 

I can't imagine a little egg could safely implant under such circumstances, not to mention my stopping my prenatals, B6, and food for a week.

I am totally bummed :(  I am happy to be eating again though! 

We just started trying so I have nothing really to complain about, but I turn 30 on Wednesday and really wanted a BFP for a present.

Re: Gah! I am pretty sure this won't be my month...

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    There are so many women that get pregnant without trying, or even taking care of themselves. Don't give up hope yet. And I hope you are feeling better!
    Oct 2008 m/c #1 5 weeks, May 2009 m/c #2 4w5d. BFP 6/23/09 EDD 3/8/10!
    You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
    After 1 year of TTC#2 BFP May 2011 m/c #3 4w2d. Off to RE.

    Round 1: Femara + Ovidrel +TI = BFP! EDD 2/20/12
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    Ugghh... that sucks! I've been wondering where you've been. I have no idea if that would affect your chances or not, but I'm glad you're feeling better and good luck!
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    I am just nervous about it because so many of the diet restrictions during pg are to keep you from food poisoning so I am sure it isn't good for a wee one. 

    Hopefully it wouldn't affect them that early though.  Fingers are still crossed.

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    Oh that sucks! I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker M/C #1 - BFP 12/28/2008. Confirmed m/c at 6wks - blighted ovum on 1/9/2009. M/C #2 - BFP 6/16/2009. Confirmed m/c at 7wks - blighted ovum on 7/1/2009.
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