TTC After a Loss


Hi there. Just have a question for you. When you got pregnant recently, did you have betas done? When did you discover that it was another BO? My dr. never used that term with my m/c but I'm pretty sure that you told me that was what I had based on my circumstances. I'm just SO super nervous, which I'm sure you can understand.

Re: Heidisean

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    Hi! I started getting betas done around 4 1/2 weeks and I can't remember my exact numbers but they were not doubling every 48 hours so he kept sending me every 48 hours for like 2 weeks because until your levels reach 1000 they usually can't see anything on an US.  My levels got to 980 after 2 weeks (for my 2nd mc) and the US at 6 weeks and a few days showed a very small sac with nothing in it (blighted ovum).  The sac only measured 4 1/2 weeks.  Your OB will not confirm a mc only with hcg's (unless they are going down).  In my case every 48 hours they went up a very small amount.  With my 1st mc they "almost" doubled every 48 hours but I started getting hcg's with that mc later (around 8 weeks) and my levels were really high (11,000) so they immediately did an US that showed a large sac with only a yolk sac and no baby which by 8 weeks there should have def been a baby and hb so the next day I had a D & E. So I had another bo.  Try and relax....this is your time to shine! ((((HUGS)))) and your 1st numbers mean nothing it is the 2nd one that NEEDS to double this early on (later on they take 3 days to double) but by then an US will confirm your pregnancy.  I hope this helps.
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    Thanks. I know tomorrow's number is really just confirming that I am pregnant. I'm so nervous for Monday. I know that I can't change anything, but I'm just really praying that this one is super sticky!

    Thanks again for the advice, info, and support! I hope you get your BFP really soon!

    BTW, love your siggy.....too cute!?

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