TTC After a Loss

Just wondering (a little TMI)

If anyone has ever had a tan colored cervical mucus after a BFP?  Just tonight I had a light tan CM when I wiped.  Nothing dark but not creamy clear like it normally is.  Has anyone ever had this?  Should I be worried?  i can't remember if I had this last time and am over-analyzing everything this go around.

Any advise would be great.  Thanks!

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Re: Just wondering (a little TMI)

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    hey there! it's funny that you say this because I remember with my pregnancy (before I KNEW I was pg) how funny it was that it was always tan colored when i wiped! like you said no spotting, but just not clear.
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    You have no idea how much better that makes me feel.  We weren't neccessarily trying last time we got pg and it was a little later when we found out so I never really paid attention to my CM.  I go to the doc on Tuesday so I can ask more questions but I just wanted peace of mind so I can sleep tonight.  Thanks girl!
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