TTC After a Loss

Clomid anyone?

Is anyone here on Clomid or talking about starting on it? I have had crazy long and inconsistent cycles since my m/c in July and this was our final month of trying on our "own", which resulted in a BFN.

Is anyone else in the same boat? Moving toward success anyone?


Missed m/c at 11w 7/08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Clomid anyone?

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    My cycles are a mess since my m/c as well.  I've only had one relatively normal cycle.  Since then, I haven't been ovulating.  I'm supposed to start clomid for my next cycle, but I have no idea when that next cycle will start :(

    I hope it works for both of us! Good luck!

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    I will be starting in the next few days (AF hasn't showed yet). GL with this cycle ending and Clomid help
    Missed m/c at 11w 7/08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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    as soon as af shows I'll be starting clomid that cycle. my cycles are also very long and i am not Oing or if I am it's really late like cd 30s. when are you taking it?
    BFP#1 missed m/c-d&c 10/27/08, BFP#2 BO-natural m/c 5/15/09, BFP#3 8/12/09-DS born 4/2010, BFP#4=TWINS-missed m/c&d/c 6/15/11, BFP#4 11/22/11- please stay with me
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    Days 5-9 as soon as AF shows. I took a HPT today with a BFN. Having cramping and very light, almost non-existent spotting, so I'm sure she'll be here tomorrow.
    Missed m/c at 11w 7/08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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    My cycles have been (since m/c) 32d, 35d, 39d, 35d, 38d, 39d, and this one is on track for 38d. Awful! I was always a 28d on the hour kind of gal. I want my pretty O days back!
    Missed m/c at 11w 7/08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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