TTC After a Loss

hi girls...

sorry i haven't been on all day! i had to rush out of the house for work today since i was carpooling with another teacher, and then left as soon as i got home to take DH's car to the shop and go out to dinner. i'm finally home and catching up on posts. i'm also pretending to watch the chronicles of narnia with DH, but i'm not super interested. i'm going in for my bloodwork tomorrow too which i'm super excited about. i'm apparently not supposed to have any nipple stimulation for 12 hours before the test?? haha i got a giggle out of that one. anyway, how are all of you?!

MrsPatterson--I saw your semi-BFP post! I just want you to know that I TOTALLY saw the line!

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Re: hi girls...

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    So I'm totally giggling about the "no nipple stimulation for 12 hours"....   why is that?
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    Hey Cora!  Good to see you, I was wondering where you were.  What time is your bw tomorrow?  Too bad about the nipple stimulation, I'm sure you had a hot night full of stimulation planned before they gave you those instructions!Big Smile

    (BTW, thanks for the congrats and the reassurance!  I feel like such an AW, esp. since the board is so slow tonight.)  

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    Hello! ?Congrats on ?your silver! I headed to bed before ?you got that last night.
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    hi ladies! i'm glad to see someone else on here...i thought for sure the board would be dead tonight. they told me no nipple stimulation because it can effect the Prolactin hormone level that i have to get tested. it does suck because i am having a little EWCM tonight so i thougth we'd give it a shot, jsut in case, but i don't want to wait to get the BW done. i'm just going as soon as i get up, since i have to fast for it (which i'm assuming means i can still drink water?) i'm so glad to get it done :)

    i also found out that DH's coworker, who we are both close with, may be pregnant. She's 33 and was just married in October. I know that she has wanted kids for a long time, and i would be happy for her if she was, its just SOMEONE elseo who is pg when i am not. Even DHwas like "this just isn't fair..."

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    I just found out a good friend of mine is pg too......seems like it ALWAYS happens this way.

    Our time will come Cora! After your BW tomorrow things will get answered and you'll join me on a BFP wave!!!

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    I hope you're right. I did also find out today that a girl that my mom works with is m/c'ing right now. She has been out of work a few days and called my mom (who is her supervisor) and told her today. My mom is going to give her my number in case she wants to talk. I feel so bad...
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    That is such a horrible thing to go thru. It's nice that you're willing to talk with her to help her out!!

    Our BFP's are coming - I just know it!!

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