TTC After a Loss

**Luvs and jjames2901**

I am just getting back to the pc since I was trying to just relax today (cramping and all the good stuff that comes with a m/c).  Surprisingly, I am doing very well.  I have no idea why, but I am hoping it is a good sign of things to come (or I am at least taking it that way).  I wanted to respond since the page is now on page 5, I think.

 I'm not even spotting yet. Are you going to have any testing done for it?

Luvs--I am having a natural m/ mistaking it as of last night.  It really sucks, but I am kind of happy it was natural for the dr said there is less recovery time and less chance of puncturing my uterus (I think she was secretly trying to scare me, but it worked).  I will have to have my hcg levels monitored for on Wednesday, they were just above 11,000.  I am curious to know how long it takes to go to 0.  She also mentioned that they may monitor me just to make sure all remnants are gone (sorry for tmi).  How long is your dr wanting to wait for a natural for you?  I am so very sorry for your loss as well!! 

Jjames2901--I am so sorry for your loss as well.  I think I will take the weekend before really thinking more about this outside of my own head, but, if it is alright with you, I will take you up on it next week.  Page me as well---I understand where you are coming from and hope we can "lean" on each other to get through it...especially being neighbors (I saw that your name said Maryland :)).

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Re: **Luvs and jjames2901**

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    I am actually feeling ok considering everything.

    That's great tha you are passing everything naturally. I so wish mine would too. My RE scared me as well. But I have a D&C scheduled for next Wedn, just in case :(
    Hoping and Praying.

    Hugs to you

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