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XP: Fun Poll - World Travelers on this board?

RP -- Fun Poll! :-)

Just curious -- thought it would be a fun poll.  List where you have been (ignore USA)!

Canada - many many times (Whistler, Vancouver, Winnepeg, and little places along the alaskan highway)

(3 times) Japan - Tokyo

Netherlands - Amsterdam

(2 times) France - Monaco, Paris, Grenoble, Frejuis, Cannes, Nice

Iceland - Keflavik, Rekeyevik (I butchered the spelling!!)

England - London

(3 times) Mexico - Acapulco, Manzinillo, Ixtapa, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta

St. Lucia


On a cruise: Aruba, Bonaire, Dominica, Grenada, St. Thomas

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Re: XP: Fun Poll - World Travelers on this board?

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    I suck, because I have only been out of the country to Jamaica.

    I am jealous you have been to Iceland!  We might go there next year.

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    I suck, because I have only been out of the country to Jamaica.

    I am jealous you have been to Iceland!  We might go there next year.

    Don't be too jealous.  I was there for less then 48 hours as I was there for work (Flight Testing an airplane during a storm!).  I did the very quick tour and did not even get to see the blue lagoon!

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    Canada - Toronto?France- ParisGreece-many times! The islands, Athens, etc.?England - London
    Mexico - Cabo San LucasBahamas
    On a cruise: Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. John, Haiti, Bermuda, all of the Carribean Islands basically
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    Brazil, born there, visited with Dh about 5 times so far :) Love it

    Argentina and Paraguay - fun!

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    I am lucky, I got to take a semester abroad in Europe and travel lots while I was there.


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    Costa Rica



    Thailand (LOVE IT!!)

    Hong Kong, China


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    Fun poll! I've been to Jamaica, The Cayman Islands, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, New Zealand, The Bahamas and Mexico. I love to travel. I'm glad I've gotten to go so many fun places, my travel days are limited these days (out of the U.S. anyway), so I'm glad I got to do so much when I was young! Big Smile
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    No fair!  Some of you have been to soo many places!!

    I've been to the US (haha I know... I'm from Canada) - Florida and some central northern states; close to home

    and Cuba

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    England - London

    Spain - Barcelona, Ibiza


    Cruise - St. Thomas, St. Maarten

    India - Mumbai

    Canada - Montreal?

    Ecuador (going in July)


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    England (London)

    Mexico (Ensenada, Cabo San Lucas, Cancun)

    That's it for me so far!

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    I've been to





    The Bahamas

    Japan (just the airport in Tokyo)

    Thailand- Bangkok

    England- London

    France- Paris (multiple times and lived there for a semester), Nice, Normandy, Brittany, Marseille, Montpelier

    Ireland- Dublin

    Belguim- Brussels

    Spain- Barcelona

    Italy- Rome, Venice


    Germany- Munich

    Austria- Salzburg, Vienna


    Turkey- Istanbul

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