TTC After a Loss

Cheapie Strips (Ovulation)

Anyone use these?  Sorry for all the questions - but can you please tell me when you start using these?  I'm not sure how long my cycle will be (used to be 28 days, o'd right in the middle).  This is my first cycle in a year and a half (preggo for a full term, then no AF for 10 months).

Any help is much appreciated!

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Re: Cheapie Strips (Ovulation)

  • Options
    Your Cycle Length Start To Test On 
    21 days Day 6
    22 days Day 6
    23 days Day 7
    24 days Day 7
    25 days Day 8
    26 days Day 9
    27 days Day 10
    28 days Day 11
    29 days Day 12
    30 days Day 13
    31 days Day 14
    32 days Day 15
    33 days Day 16
    34 days Day 17
    35 days Day 18
    36 days Day 19
    37 days Day 20
    38 days Day 21
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers 1st m/c July 2008, 2nd m/c December 2008, Baby boy born in 2009!, 3rd m/c (c/p) June 2011, 4th m/c September 2011
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    I started about day 10 & kept testing until I got a positive. Since you aren't sure when you are Oing I would just get some cheapies & do it every day until you see a positive. I bought the Answer dip sticks 20 for $20. I bet you can find some cheaper though! Good luck!
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    I got mine off of and they were cheaper than Answer. I tried Answer and never got a positive, which is why this month I'm trying something new. GL!
    bfp #1 - 8/17/2008, natural m/c 8/25/2008, EDD 4/21/2009 bfp #2 - 10/6/2008, hb stopped at 7 w 3 d, d&e on 11/7/2008, EDD 6/19/2009 bfp #3- 3/14/2009.... stick, baby, stick!!!! (14 dpo - hcg 188, 16 dpo - hcg 421, 24 dpo - hcg 14,760!, 4/2 healthy HB of 130 bpm, 4/16 HB of 178 bpm!) bfp #4- 2/2/2011, EDD 10/17/2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker a bfing, cding, wah momma Congrats to my buddies Tiffanylaw06, Jeny M & burghbaby!
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    I get mine from They are $25 for 50 OPK's, and free shipping on any order over $15.  I used them and love them. I use them 2 times a day so I don't miss my surge, once in the morning and once at night. I have a 31 day cycle and I started on day 10 just in case. Instructions are also included when you order them. :) Good luck to you!
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