DH just called to ask me if I saw my neighbor's dog attack another neighbors little boy. He's friend's with the little boys dad and he called him to let him know and ask him his opinion on what to do.
I was outside on the deck earlier and I saw the dog and my neighbor so I guess I just missed it. From what our friend said his son was riding his bike and he was walking and the dog ran out into the street and pulled the little boy off his bike and started yanking at his clothes...not sure if he actually bit him. His dad said he's okay but really shaken up.
I'm thinking of calling our other neighbor and warning her when she takes her kids on a walk. The dog is a rescue spaniel of some sort and she's always been a bit mean. Always baking and running up to people. (different somehow then when my puppy does it.) I have no idea what my neighbor's will do. They have kids too, so it's not like some little old widows dog...
I guess I will be keeping Oscar out of our yard until we know what's going to happen to the dog or at least only play out back when my dogs with us.
Re: neighbors dog attacked a little boy
God I hate dogs.?
I was walking down our street as a kid past the neighbours (who had no front fence) and their doberman ran out and attacked me. I'd be dead if a neighbour had not picked me up and shoved me in his truck and beaten the dog off us.
And the owner always says "oh its never happened before".
I am local militant on having your dog on leashes. There is no reason I should have to risk DS for your stupid filthy animal.?
I am sorry that happened. There is no need for that. People really should have dogs on leashes when they are in "public".
I feel much better about confronting the woman at the park with a cocker spaniel who had the dog off leash on the playground now. It really pisses me off when people are like, "well he has never bitten anyone before." Maybe not, but both DH and I have been bitten by dogs who never bit anyone before. I think I would want to kill someone whose dog bit DD because of their carelessness and lax attitude. Dogs heads are right at my DD's face level and if they bit her it would cause a bad scar she would have to live with forever.
I hope the dogs owner takes this seriously and institutes the appropriate controls, so the dog is never in that position again.
I would assume the neighbor was there...but not sure. She could have been inside. They have wireless fence like ours and I've never seen her run thru it. She's not normally outside by herself though. The only thing I can think of is that the battery was low and not effective like mine the other day or their leash broke - which I witnessed a couple of weeks ago with this dog.
The kid is not hurt just shaken up...I assume the neighbor will call them and see what they are planning to do before calling animal control...I would be po'd if someone just showed up to take my dog and I didn't know what was going on...I also can't see these neighbors keeping the dog if it attacked someone. They have kids too! and are really great neighbors, they just rescued a bad dog. Everyone on the street is really nice and friendly and everyone knows everyone else even if we're not close.
A. It should not take a child to be hurt before the dog is taken out of anywhere this could even possibly happen. I'm actually all for putting them down at the first sign of this kind of thing, but AT LEAST they should be required to be kept at least 1km from houses with children.
B. Even when not hurt the attack can be damaging. I don't have any physical scars from the dog that attacked me, yet I will never ever ever touch a dog since. I don't care if you think its cute, you don't have the right to make someone have contact with your animals. ?If I wanted a dog I'd get my own, so get yours out of my face.