
Donating Breastmilk

I saw that someone's siggy mentioned donating BM.  How does that work?

Re: Donating Breastmilk

  • There's a yahoo group called: ?Milkshare


    You have to be approved by the moderator, but it's great! ?I've donated about 500 oz to several people.?

  • I used Mothers Milk Bank. ?I sent it to the San Jose CA location, but I know they have others throughout the country.





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  • Check out (Human Milk Banking Association of North America).  There are a handful of regulated milk banks around the country (San Jose, Denver, Austin, Ft Worth, Iowa City, and a few others). 

    I worked at the Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin for three years doing research back when I was in college.  The donor banks associated with HMBANA are incredible.  They perform a very needed service.

    Usually you have to donate at least 100 oz of milk.  The same restrictions apply as for donating blood (can't donate if you have traveled to certain places, no IVDA history, etc).  They will screen your blood for HIV, HTLV, Hepatitis B & C, and Syphilis.

     I would highly highly recommend against donating to a Yahoo or internet club.  They are not regulated by anyone.  With the HMBANA banks your milk is pasteurized and screened.  If something went wrong on a casual group exchange, you could probably be sued.  Just something to think about.  I hope you consider's such a great cause and only a select group of people can do it!

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