
WWYD? Fever ?

 Is this a "watch and wait" situation, or should I call a pedi?

DS had a low-grade fever all day yesterday (rising from 100.5 to 101.5 range over course of day into evening), worsening cough last night that caused him to wake several times, didn't eating much all day and woke up crying this AM with a 103.6 fever.  Behavior now after motrin seems ok, but a bit lethargic. Cough continues.

SIL visited this weekend from OOT with what appeared to be a bad viral cold (thanks for the parting gift!) so I'm guessing that's what DS has now, but I don't want to underestimate symptoms...

Oh, and the kicker (and why the "why are you seeking medical advice on a message board" comments can be skipped) - b/c we just moved cross-country, I have no pedi here to call or see (yeah, it's on my to-do list!) unless I choose someone randomly, which I'll do if I need to.


Re: WWYD? Fever ?

  • I would find a Dr esp for that 103 fever
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  • I would just wait and see.  However if you cant get the fever down with motrin I would call a dr or go to an urgent care. 

    I cant remember if its 3 or 5 days of fever that you call the pedi...either way...if the fever persists after at least 3 days I would call.

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  • I'd wait a bit and see if the fever goes down with Motrin.  I called in once when DD had a fever of 104.  I was told to alternate Motrin and Tylenol and use cool wash clothes on her forehead.

    In the mean time I'd try to find a pedi online so you can call if his fever doesn't go down.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
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  • I think I would take him to Urgent Care if it were me. I hope he feels better soon!
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  • I'd work on lining up a pedi for tomorrow!
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