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Liam R_____ Smaldone
Liam Rhys Smaldone
Liam Rylan Smaldone
Oh I am good with R names DH is a 4th generation triple R:
Randall, Russell, Ronald, Rudolph, Rowan, Ryder, Ryan, Richard, Riley, Rogan, and of course Rover (was in a name book, would never use it but it cracks me up so I have to share),
really like Roderick
Re: Quick Ladies! Middle name
Liam Rhys Smaldone
Liam Rylan Smaldone
Oh I am good with R names DH is a 4th generation triple R:
Randall, Russell, Ronald, Rudolph, Rowan, Ryder, Ryan, Richard, Riley, Rogan, and of course Rover (was in a name book, would never use it but it cracks me up so I have to share),
really like Roderick