WHY, OH WHY, OH WHY! This is so not fair! I worked really hard to try and not catch it and now I have it. My dad will be here next week and I need this cold to be gone!!! He can not get sick while he is here. I have done sooo good this year about getting sick and now this!!!
Atleast this time last year I have had atleast 4 colds down by now and DD would have been on cold number 5. So not to bad this year since Its the first cold we have had so far this season! But really Does it have to be so close to my dad comming and me having another baby? I ahve an appt today wonder if the dr can do anything for me!!!
Re: So I caught DD's cold.....
I swear by Zicam...but you have to take the first second you feel the first twinge of a cold coming on and you have to follow the directions exactly in order for it to work. I'm not sure if its ok for pg mom's to take it though.
But in the meantime drink lots of OJ and water!