
nervous MOM..Q re: development (6 week old)

I am trying so hard not to compare my two boys since they are completely different in every aspect. However, I am getting myself all worked up because one of my boys looks at me when feeding and is able to hold my gaze and make eye contact with me and others during various times and activities. My other boy rarely makes eye contact, preferring to look around at everything else. He does look at objects and toys when he is alert and happy (which is not all too often...he is very uncomfortable most of the time due to gas issues). How much eye contact should a 6 week old be showing? Is it way too early to be worried?

Re: nervous MOM..Q re: development (6 week old)

  • IMO - it's too early. There are still times that I swear the babies won't look me in the eye just to worry me :)
  • welcome to the world of is so hard not to compare because they are right in front of you but remember they are two totally different babies and will do things at different times.

    try not to worry and it all sounds fine...hope the gas issue works out soon!

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  • mine did the same thing.  one would stare at me and the other would look anywhere but me.  I read somewhere that at about that age that they are too busy looking at all the other wonderful things around them.  They are used to you and are familiar and need to look around.  They will also look away if you are too stimulating fo them (making faces, etc) and they look away as a way of calming themselves down.  The more you try to get their attention the more they will look away.  They will look at you when they need to.  Don't worry, it's totally normal. 
  • oh yeah, it's way too early to worry about that. mine didn't make eye contact until they were much older than that. totally normal! as my ped said, they have more exciting things to look at than you. :P
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  • THANK YOU! ?I feel so much better..
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