
GH is my favorite catalog for kids clothes, but pg. 39 is

causing me a little concern. There's a picture of a girl in a bathing suit, she looks about 8-ish - the pose is way to "sexy & sultry" IMO. It's not cute or fun or childish. I do not like it one bit. When I turned the page and saw it for the 1st time my reaction was an immediate "oh no  - not good!"

the image is on their website too - but much smaller and missing the lower part of her body - so the impact is not the same. What do you think? (sorry about the long link - not sure how to shorten it) 

Re: GH is my favorite catalog for kids clothes, but pg. 39 is

  • #6#6 member
    Umm there is no way my child would pose like that. That is way too seductive of a pose for a little girl to do for a catalog/website.  The way her hair is over her eye and how she has her arms is just too much.  Little girls need to have ponytails and be smiling and playing with a beachball.  Not trying to look sexy.  That is just wrong. 
  • not seeing the sultry-ness of it.....

    I think you are looking too much into it. 

    Its not like its a tiny bikini.

    She's not wearing makeup

    I don't know...looks pretty innocent to me.

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  • I think it's the tousled hair that's making it a bit on the "sexy" side.  I really don't see a problem with it though, her pose is perfectly nice.
  • I wish you could see the catalog itself - this picture is so very different from every other image of little girls - in the other shots they are all smiling, acting silly, holding hands, etc. This one image has a completely different "tone" than all the rest. Plus it is very large in the actual catalog - has it's own page - almost like a centerfold or something -  It really stands out, at least to me.

    I know - it's just a catalog.

  • imageDandR:

    not seeing the sultry-ness of it.....

    I think you are looking too much into it. 

    Its not like its a tiny bikini.

    She's not wearing makeup

    I don't know...looks pretty innocent to me.

    Agreed.  Maybe I need to see the whole picture to get the full effect.

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  • I looked at that catalog days ago and remember exactly which picture you're talking about. I felt the same way as you. It's just...wrong.
  • Yes, that creative director needs some therapy about appropriate behavior.
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