
Do you have these kind of thoughts?

Am I just really morbid or do other people have these thoughts??

Whenever dh is late and I can't get in touch with him (like now- he was supposed to come home for lunch but isn't here yet) I sometimes think, "Oh no, maybe he's been in an accident..."

Then I immediately start thinking: would I sell the house or continue to live in it? Would I move closer to family or stay here? Would I be able to live off of his life insurance plus social security for the kids or would I still have to work? Where would I bury him? Would I still let my MIL live here or move her to a home? You get the picture...

Does anyone else find themselves involuntarily thinking the same things or am I just really melodramatic and morbid??

Re: Do you have these kind of thoughts?

  • I don't know if this will help you...I am melodramatic and morbid and death obsessed...but I have those thoughts all the time.
  • I am the same way. I always think the worse has happen if I can't get a hold of someone and it drives me batty. I have tried to stop with the thinking that way w/ no such luck of it working.
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

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  • I think like that sometimes too, I think because my family went through that when my sister and I were still teenagers. My mom died and there was just a lot of questions that come up like that.
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • I'm horrible about that. I have to have a worst case scenario plan for everything or I can't sleep. 
  • i catch myself thinking these kinda things too.  atleast i've got a plan started.  i know, how horrible


    Alyssa (11/06) Emily (8/9) Julia (2/11)
  • I have those thoughts too sometimes...

    Even just hearing about something happening to someone's spouse, will trigger some of those thoughts...I am a worrier and I also am a planner, I guess maybe that is where some of that comes from for me.

  • Sometimes, yes.
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  • imageDandelionMom:
    I'm horrible about that. I have to have a worst case scenario plan for everything or I can't sleep. 


  • sometimes but most the time its "he can't get home on time to save his life."

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  • I do all the time.  When I lived with my parents before getting married, I would come home to a dark house, but couldn't turn on all the lights (I would wake them up).  I had that house memorized, but always thought that I would trip over their dead bodies or that they were shot dead in their room & I woudn't know it until the morning! I thought I was the only one that has weird morbid thoughts. 
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Yeah, sometimes. MY OB doctor kind of somed it up when he said I was a bit of a "fatalist' because I was always worried about what "could" happen...I asked him if he thought I was nuts and he said no just a bit of  fatalist...
  • I don't think about him dying, but I do have a "plan" in my mind of how I will care for two kids if something happens to him.  I am more worried about him becoming disabled and having to care for him.  I think that, along with working, which I would have to do then, would be very difficult.   I have a friend in that position, her DH is disabled and will only get worse.  She has a 2 year old who is autistic.  I don't know how she does it.
  • Yeah, I do. It scares me to think about it but I still do.
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  • I totally do this.  DH was late during an ice storm the other day and his cell wasn't on (duh, he was late there was an ice storm!).  I even got myself to the point of wondering who should do his eulogy... I was a mess.Stick out tongue
    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • Yes.  Unfortunately, I have those exact same thoughts!  I am an anxious person by nature though.  One time DH was supposed to be home, but he was late and I was upstairs with DD in her bedroom and I see a cop car pull up and park on the street in front of our house-about the time he should've been home.  I got that anxious butterfly feeling and went into my room to put a bra on cause I didn't have one on, expecting the police to come to my door.  A few minutes later the cop car pulled away and dh pulled into the driveway-whew!  I thought I was nuts.  I am glad I am not the only one that thinks this way!
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • yup--I'm the same way. In fact it was totally hampering my life so I started taking an anti-anxiety med. it was seriously all consuming. :(
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • I do.  I'm also a planner and it helps me feel like we'd be taken care of if something like that happened...GOD FORBID! 
    Liam is 5!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Bookmarking so I can show my DH that I am not alone! DH thinks I'm certifiable when I tell him that is where women's minds go when men don't check in.

    When we lived in SF, I took the subway (BART) home to the east bay. There was a huge train stoppage out of SF, but I missed it; apparently I was on one of the last trains out of the city. DH assumed I was left in the city, so he goes over there to keep me company in the station. I get to my station, he's not there to pick me up like normal. This was in the days before cellphones. I call our apartment. After about 45 minutes, I called the Highway Patrol and our local police for an accident report.

    FF an hour. I happen to look in the very dark parking lot, and there's his car. So by this point I've convinced myself he was carjacked and left for dead. No mind as to WHY the carjackers would steal an old car and park it front and center at a BART station... I was so relieved to see him when he finally decided to come back to the east bay.

    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • Yes, I do this sometimes.  I am a planner by nature and I think that as sick as it is, if I think about the scenarios ahead of time, perhaps I could be better prepared in the terrible instance it did happen.  I really don't think that would be the case (I could never truly be prepared), but that is what I tell myself.
    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
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