
16mo+What is your sched, if they just nap once a day.

So I posted a few months ago that I was trying to get my kids to take 1 long nap instead of 2 small and came to the conclusion that they werent ready to drop 1 nap. Well it seems now they are.

My question is when do your kids nap, and when do you fit in lunch time?

My old schedule was: bottle at 7. Bkfst at 9. nap from 10-12. Lunch at 12 nap 2:30-4 dinner at 5.

My new schedule: bottle at 7. bkfst at 9. they are tired by 11. so if they nap from 11-2, they sleep right through lunch. So I feed them at 2, then again for dinner at 5? Should I force keep them awake until after lunch at 12 even though they are falling asleep? Then they would hopefully sleep from 12:30-3:30, have a little snack then dinner at 5?

What is your schedule like for your 17 mo olds and older...?

We are right on the cusp of the transistion phase and I am not sure what the best schedule is. 


Re: 16mo+What is your sched, if they just nap once a day.

  • I'm not sure you should follow my example in this area, but here's what we are doing. We went to one nap, and it failed, so we went back to two naps, then last week we went to one nap again.  Right now they take their one nap from 11:00 to about 1 or slightly after.  We give them a big snack before the nap and lunch afterwards.  But we are trying to move the nap later gradually because I think they are really waking up because they are hungry. But we are struggling with making it later because they seem so tired after 11.  But they are doing great staying up from 1 to bedtime.
  • We just transitioned to one nap last week.  I see them getting tired around 11am so I do lunch btw. 11-11:30 to give them a little boost of energy.  I put them down for a nap around 12:30.  They sleep anywhere from 1-2 hours. 
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  • this is my schedule

    up at 730

    breakfast at 8

    i have one that still wants a nap so i let him sleep from 10-11

    lunch at 12

    nap at 1:30- they wake up around 3:30-4ish

    dinner at 5:30


    bed at 7:30 

  • Here's our schedule:

     Up at 8 for morning bottles

    9am breakfast

    I have one who sometimes naps briefly in the morning, but otherwise they are up.  If we go for a walk in the stroller (which hasn't happened to much lately in frigid Boston), they usually take a short nap.

    12pm lunch

    1pm -3:30 or 4pm nap

    4pm snack

    6pm dinner

    8pm bedtime


    Good luck to you!

  • We dropped the girls to one nap between 16-18 months. There morning nap was always their longer one s we just kept it going anddropped the afternoon one. They really weren't sleeping much then at this point mst of the time they would just stay up at play/babble together. So then our schedule was -

    7 am Wake Up

    7:30 - Breakfast

    1030 - 1pm Nap

    1ish Lunch

    5:30 Dinner

    That worked for a long time for us then when we started taking th girls to activities that schedule didn't really work any longer and they weren't as tired so early in the AM so we started moving their nap time back. Now they are in some kind of class in the morning and home for lunch at 12noon and nap from 1-3:30pm. I always feel that you have to follow you kids cues with sleep. It surprises me that most young toddlers nap in the afternoon, that wouldn't work for my girls whenthey were younger but we were able to move their nap to a later time around the time they were turing 2 yrs old. GL!

  • Mine are 14 months and here is out schedule.

    7-7:30 up for milk in sippy

    9 - breakfast

    11-1 - nap

    1 - lunch

    4 - 5 nap (sometimes)

    6-6:30 - dinner

    7:30 - bottle (trying to get rid of this)

    8:30 bedtime

     We tried moving the nap until after lunch, but they were getting out of control my 11:30, so we kept the morning/afternoon naps.

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