

I was just looking at your blog (hadn't looked at it for awhile) and I can't believe how big the boys are getting! ?They are so adorable with their red hair!! ?So cute! ?
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Two angel babies 11/09 and 4/10

Re: sweater

  • Butting in- I also wanted to tell you how adorable your boys are.  Those pictures on your blog are too cute.
  • Peeking in too -- Brady's "Blue Steel" look is fantastic:-)
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  • Yes, my future sons-in-law are totally adorable!
  • Ha ha! Thanks!

    If you're referring to the baby on the right in this photo as the "blue steel" look, that's actually Jax!

    They look big...but are still tiny peanuts :) I mean they're both well under 15lbs still! Poor Jax had a set behind with the hospitalzation/surgery and the nasty stomach bug that won't quit, but he seems to like the catch-up game :)?

  • Oh yeah - I guess their hair does look red in the photos :) They actually have blonde hair that I'm suspecting is turning light brown. I have natural strawberry blonde hair and my husband's is maybe there is red in there :)
  • They are adorable!  It definitely looks a little red in pictures. 
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