I have a couple of questions for you.
How was your child going into the OR? Were they upset from being separated from you and going somewhere strange with strangers? Were they okay with it? Did they freak out? Other?
Carter is TERRIFIED, not just a little scared, but all out terrified of all doctors, nurses, dentists, etc. He screams, cries, and does everything and anything he can to get away. Today the doctor walked in, shut the door, and before I realized what was happening Carter was running out the door and down the hallway. So I can't imagine what he's going to be like having to hand him off to the nurses to go to the OR for his surgery.
Also, how was your child upon waking up from anesthesia? I know this will all depend on the child and how the anesthesia affects them, but again just wondering. It's just a day surgery, but the doctor said it can vary from a child waking up and being able to go home about 30 minutes later to being there for 4-5 hours after waking up.
Re: If your child has had surgery...
I just need this post to see the answers later on for when C has his surgery.
Good luck to you and Carter.
What's he going in for? Jake's going in March for a circ revision.
My neice had to go under when she was around 1... she was fine going in and cried a bit when she woke up. Within 20 ish min she was "normal" and SIL said she was fine from then on-no issues.
Good luck! I'm nervous too...
Well... I have no experience on my DS going in for surgery, but I wanted to tell you that I actually HAD that done (tongue clipped) when I was a teenager!! They did it in an oral surgeon's office and honestly, the recovery was the worst part You don't realize how much your move your tongue until it hurts to move it. I remember eating babyfood, applesauce etc for a few days until it felt better. The first few days sucked, but after that it was smooth sailing. It healed pretty quickly and was def worth it.
The reality is that it's MUCH better than you get it done now than wait. I think this is one of the things that gets more painful the older you get! Good luck to you and Carter!! I'm sure he will do great!
Can't you stay with him until he is put under?
DD had her frenulum clipped last summer, she was tongue-tied. Easy outpatient procedure. We went in and were in a private pre-op room. They gave her an amnesiac (it was about a tablespoon of red liquid, I cannot freaking remember the name of it) that would make her foggy & relaxed. They dimmed the lights and she snuggled up on the bed. Then they took her in to do the procedure.
She actually woke up IMMEDIATELY after as they were taking her to recovery, .......... and if you want details on how she reacted to the anesthesia, page me. It wasn't good, and I don't want to make you nervous. I'll just say she freaked out for a while and leave it at that. She also doesn't do well & reacts oddly to codiene cough meds, etc, so I think she just has some funky reaction to anesthesia in general. Her pede says it happens, but that it's not common.
When DS had tubes put in (he was actually admitted to the hospital, he was developing mastoiditis after a very severe ear infection that wasn't responding to antibiotics, etc... and was very ill), he was about 19mo old, he did pretty good going to the Dr.'s/Nurses, but he was a little younger, I don't know he would react now. I think it was harder on us handing him over than it was on him! We also had to do a second tube and they had to cut behind his ear b/c fluid started building back up, etc..about 2 weeks after the first surgery, this one was at least outpatient.
I will be honest, after the surgery was the worst for DS, the anesthesia really did a number on him, he was wailing, and not able to be consoled by me, which will always do it. He was extremely thirsty, which can also be a bad combination with the anesthesia, because if they drink to much they throw up (which also happened). It did get better about 30m-60m after the procedures, but it was terrible seeing him go through it. He pretty much just passed out after all of it, and luckily (knock on wood) we have not had any experiences with it since that time.
Good luck with everything!