
Do your kids just shoot up on you?

I put some active clothes on DS#1 today and he looked ridiculous.  The sweatshirt was too short and the sleeves too short and the pants....clam diggers all the way.

It was absurd, like I couldn't dress my child in his appropriate size.

I now am hurridly buying some clothes for him to wear so he doesn't look so awful in ill fitting clothes.

What happened?  It's like it just happened over night or something.


Me with my littlest.

Re: Do your kids just shoot up on you?

  • LOL! I read your post title about 45 times wondering WTF? But, now I get it. I am a little slow.

    I love how one minute, DS has some cute jeans, the next, they are boy capris. Not the style I was looking for.

  • I was wondering why my children would shoot up....having a narc BIL does not help!

    Yes they do and it always catches me at the worst times.  I've learned to keep at least one "too big" outfit on hand for the day it happens

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  • (Lol, am I the only one who thought this was going to be about drugs?)

    I swear this happens to my kids too. Nora especially. She's 9 months and wears her sisters pants (18mo size). It was like she skipped the whole 9-12 month size all together! So now we have all these practically unworn 9-12 month clothes.?


    ETA: I guess I'm not the only one who thought that was gonna be about drugs! Haha. ?

  • DS does this.  I swear he will wear his clothes one day and by the time I have the washed (no more than a week) he has outgrown them.  So glad I usually have a few outfits in the size up so I don't have to take him out looking like a rag muffin.
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  • LOL-- yes, Jake is at the point now where his clothes are too small (he got fat)... hahaha
  • LOL, yeah, I'm on some painkillers and not thinking too clearly.

    But, yes, manpris on my toddler is unacceptable.


    Me with my littlest.
  • lol. i was thinking heroine, too :)
  • Yes, this is happening to us and what I hate about it is that all clothes in stores right now are bathing suits and shorts!  Ugh. 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Miles has finally slowed down and actually is getting sooooo skinny..

    Emilia looks like she is wearing belly shirts for cripes sake.. I feel like I should buy her a belly band just to make her shirts last longer.

    thank god for dresses...because she gets more wear out of those!

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