How/when do you know if they twins you're having are identical vs. fraternal. Can they tell in-utero? Obviously you get your answer if they are differnent sexes. But, what if same sex?
Second random ques. Anyone on here have multiples due to clomid (no trigger)? I'm going to start that next month.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Just a random question...
i have heard they can never really tell if they are ID/Fraternal until after they are out and have testing done- but my US tech told us ours were fraternal - two sacs, with space inbetween them, 2 placentas, etc.... there are more women on here better schooled in the whole twinning thing that can explain it better
I got pg with clomid and IUI + trigger (and metformin). make sure you are monitored on clomid so you don't hyperstimulate and end up with 6. Why no trigger?
My son is also a clomid/met/IUI/trigger baby - he was always a singleton.
I don't know much about multiples, but my u/s tech said that there was no way of telling if they were ID until they were born.
Can't help on second question, I don't know anything about clomid.
I'm the freak of the board. My twins were mono/mono...meaning they shared EVERYTHING, even the same amnio sac. Which means no matter what they are identical because the only way you end up with mono-twins is because your egg split too late and your body thought it was going to be one baby...if it splits 3 days later they are conjoined because it's too developed to fully split apart.
SO unless you have mono or conjoined twins there's no ABSOLUTE way of knowing if they are identical or franternal without a DNA test once born. NOW...with that being said there ARE very strong indicators if they are. Obviously different genders like you mentioned. But usually if there are two placentas and two gestational sacs known as di/di, you have a strong chance they are fraternal.
If they share a gestational sac and placenta known as mono/di, they have a strong chance at being identical. The reason these are not absolutes is because placentas can fuse together and other weird things that babies like to do when no one is looking
Identicals are still considered to be random and non-genetic (I don't fully believe this) and fraternals can be random, but is also genetic thru the mother's side. Fraternal is most common for infertility treatments as well.
There you go...that will be $100...?
I'm also a freak with monos So we know for sure that our girls are ID.