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I want to cry because David's not there. LOL
I loved the last guy. LOVED him.
(Love your siggies too btw, such beautiful boys.)
BubblyToes: I loved the last guy. LOVED him.
What? Are you drinking tonight, Bubbly? lol
BubblyToes: I want to cry because David's not there. LOL I loved the last guy. LOVED him. (Love your siggies too btw, such beautiful boys.)
Aw, thanks, Bubs!
I don't know that I love this guy. Better than William Hung, I suppose...
scubawife:I'm super excited for Adam Lambert!
Hells to the yeah. Lurves me some men in eyeliner.
Re: What.the.eff.
I want to cry because David's not there. LOL
I loved the last guy. LOVED him.
(Love your siggies too btw, such beautiful boys.)
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
What? Are you drinking tonight, Bubbly? lol
Aw, thanks, Bubs!
I don't know that I love this guy. Better than William Hung, I suppose...
Hells to the yeah. Lurves me some men in eyeliner.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.