
WDYT? To tell or not?

So, I'm pg.  And I don't care if all of you know. (hee hee)

But we aren't telling friends until 12wks or so.

A good friend of mine just found out she's pg after her 2nd round of IVF and 2.5yrs of TTC.  She told me today, they found out yesterday.  I didn't tell her about me because I want her to have her moment.  We're going to lunch, just the 2 of us, this weekend and I'm considering telling her.  I almost feel like I'd be lying to her if I withheld my own pg.  I'd def make it clear that I'm only telling her and we're not sharing with our other friends yet.  But, then again, I want her to still have her moment.

So, would you tell or would you wait?


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