
fetus size?

I'm wondering if my babies are huge or if I'm just paranoid- I went for level 2 ultrasound last week (I was 18 weeks exactly).  The babies measured 18w 5days and 19w.  Is this normal?  To this point I've only gained 12 pounds, which I don't think is too much.

I thought that the babies were going to be smaller because I am having such a difficult time taking in enough calories.  It is a struggle to get close to 2000 but my doctor hasn't really said anything yet.  Guess I'll find out at appt tomorrow.

 Thanks all!

imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: fetus size?

  • I only gained 10 lbs I had horrible ms. I had the boys at 31 wks, Gaven was 3 lbs 3oz and Chris 4 lbs 5 oz. Which is not bad for 31 wkrs. Eat right and take good care of your self. The Doc prefer for you to gain weight but it dosent always happen that way. Try protein shakes, that work for some on the ladies on the board. Also, the measurements by week is an estimate, Gaven was always one week behind.




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