
first rude comment!

One of my former parents came to say congratulations to me.  4 seconds after she said that, she told me I was going to be huge and fat! NICE!

I just laughed and said, "we'll see".  What is wrong with people?

Re: first rude comment!

  • Juuust you wait. You will be huge, but not at all fat! You have permission from all of us to pimpslap anyone who calls you fat.
    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Oh, man... I can't tell you how many people made comments about how HUGE I was going to be... ?Those ended up being the least offensive of some of the comments I ended up getting ("twins? ?OMG I'd shoot myself!"). ?People are ridiculous.
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  • Crazies!!  I always used to respond, "well, better me than you then!" 

    As someone who only gained 35 pounds with twins, and I'm 5'9, it was actually the reverse for me.  It was the first time in my plus-sized life that I heard "you're so small!!"  Smile

  • People are dumb.  when one of my close friends found out I was expecting twins she said "wow crazy!  you are going to be huge and on bed rest!"

    umm..ok thanks!

  • Some people are so rude!!  I have to agree that is the least rude one I got so far.  When I called to tell DH's cousin that it was twins, she said that she would have had the u/s tech to just slit her throat while she was on the table.
  • I had someone tell my face was "getting full".  WTF?  So, I just responded back, "So you're saying I'm looking fat today?"  She felt horrible, but really, what did she expect?
  • I'm sure it's just the beginning! I've already heard that I'll have my hands full, but it wasn't meant in a rude way at all.

    I have heard how my parents are "so relieved" I won't be ruining the school year by going out early.

    I'll have to start getting my comebacks ready! The first time someone grabbed my stomach, I was to shocked to say anything. THAT won't happen again!

  • I have a VERY rude coworker who told me at like 15 weeks "You know you're going to be huge, right?"

    I told her that I would rather be big and keep my babies out of the NICU.....that shut her up.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 4/9/09 - Chloe, our angel twin Lilypie First Birthday tickers>
  • You will get a ton more HUGE comments from people.  I can't even remember how many I received.  Don't let it get to you.  People just have diarrhea of the mouth.
  • imagelewis514:

    I have a VERY rude coworker who told me at like 15 weeks "You know you're going to be huge, right?"

    I told her that I would rather be big and keep my babies out of the NICU.....that shut her up.

    Yep, I said this same thing to a coworker... I'd rather be huge with big healthy babies even though it's very uncomfortable..

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