My son was in the NICU for 2 weeks where he was bottle fed my milk. I was allowed to attempt breastfeeding several times, without a ton of success.
Since we've been home for a couple days now, I've been offering the breast at each feeding time, but even if he does nurse for around 30 mins, I usually give the bottle bc I don't know how much he's getting and I want to be sure he's gaining weight at this point (he is 5 lb 8 oz).
Anyone had a similar experience and had success breastfeeding? Please tell me I won't be pumping forever!!!
Re: Post-NICU b/fing...possible??
Very similar experience. Just last week I decided that we would do better if I just pump. She would get upset and then I would. I tried for 2.5 months because I was hoping she would latch. Oh well, maybe next baby.
Keep trying. I hope it works for you.
I had to pump for the first few weeks he was home. I was about ready to throw the dang pump in the ocean. It was pump, feed, clean equip,pump, feed...blah blah. I felt like the "time to make the donuts" guy. I was determined to get DS to latch on. With the help of a nipple shield for the first few days, he became a pro in no time. We were able to ditch the shield and ever since he has done great.
Hang in there, it will be worth it. Your LO will pick it up soon. Preemies can be "lazy eaters" and BFing is more work for them. I think that when they start to get an appetite, they will do better at it.
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Yes, it is possible. ?My son was in the NICU for 6 weeks. ?When he came home, I offered him the breast and then the bottle, and then pumped when he was napping. ?By the time I cleaned the pump and the bottles, he was awake and ready to eat again. ?It was a vicious circle. ?
Eventually (I can't remember when), he didn't need the bottle after eating. ?However, I still pumped after feeding him to keep up my supply. ?He was exclusively breast fed until he was 6 months old. ?After that, he was eating solids, breast milk and formula. ?I managed to maintain a supply until he was almost 10 months old. ?It is a ton of work, but it can be done.?
?Good luck!?
DS was born 3.5 months early so I had to pump for almost 4 months before he came home.
When he came home we had latch problems and it was extremely painful, but I was determined. I worked with an LC for 6 WHOLE WEEKS in severe pain, but eventually he caught on and ended up BFing like a champ.
I am so happy I stuck it out. It was the most rewarding experience. If you want to BF do not give up. I was worried as well about gaining weight, etc. but he was fine. I would say unless your doctor has a problem with his weight stop the supplementing because it will confuse him (unless you have to work and have no choice). My doctor said if he seemed satisifed and wasn't crying for more he was happy.
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14