When my sister was around 6 months old she was running a fever my mom took her in and our pedi was on vacation so she saw another Dr. Well he said it was a virus and would pass. 3 days later fever is still here so my mom brought her in again the dr said this time its Strep Throat gave her meds and sent her back home. Well the next day she looked awful and our dr was back so my mom brought her to see him. Right away he said he was admitting her. She had spinal menengitis. poor thing had 2 spinal taps, an iv in her head and back then (in the 80s) the nurses were like afraid of it and didnt really want to go around her.
Well my mom put a complaint in with the med board and he was severly reprimanded for misdiagnosing her and not running the tests he should have. she could have gone blind or deaf and even died. all because he thought my mom was just being over protective. My sister was in the hospital for 2 weeks but it 100% fine now
Re: my menengitis story
My friend who died of menengitis was the daughter of a pedi and he was home when she got sick. 2 other kids got sick at that same time from my school, they were quickly diagnosed because Kristen died so quickly.
It is not so easy to diagnose and a lot of people resist having thier children have the spinal tap required for diagnosis, since it isn't fun.
I am glad your sister was not impacted long term.
Very scary. . . my sister also got menengitis when she was about 18 months old (in 1980). She was in the hospital and my Dad and I had to be on medication and my Mom couldn't take it because she was pregnant with my brother.
She was in the hospital for a while.
something VERY similar happened to my co-worker's dd who was 8 at the time..this was a year ago. For about 2 weeks there were mis-diagnoses..one of them was strep. And she ended up hospitalized for 2 weeks finally and diagnosed with menengitis...it did affect her eyes and for a good 3 months after because her optic nerve was inflamed from the swelling, she had severe headaches and was one high doses of steroids to try and make everything better.
To this day my co-worker is po'd at the two docs who saw her and blew it off and her DD still has problems with headaches which causes my co-worker to go into a panic..
I am so glad to hear she recovered 100%! Someone I know right now has a 2.5 y.o. daughter in the hospital with bacterial meningitis. They can't tell 100% if the girl will survive. I am so heartbroken for them.
The doctors think best case scenario is she'd be deaf. She's in a lot of pain and the meds don't help for a long time, so she screams and holds her head. She has a swelling in the brain.
I just found out 2 days ago and I can't stop thinking about them. Keep the little girl in your prayers please.