Since you so kindly cared that A might have an EI I thought I would let you know she doesn't. He said they are the best ears he's seen in a few weeks. So I don't know what's wrong... maybe just a random pain. She told the nurse when I called they needed to take it (her ear) out.
Re: Xbrook
lol! she is hilarious!
I'm so glad to hear it. We'll be visiting the ENT tonight, I hope i hear those same words.
I don't know where she gets this stuff.
Good luck. Hope B gets a clean bill of health.
I think I know! All kids should have character like that!
:::looking around::: Yeah, I think I do too. She's her mother's child. ;-) As is Brooke.
Oh, and she's still being a good little mommy. She pats her on the head and says, "it's ok. I got you. I love you.Shhh."
lol love it!
I have to show you this video of B in the tub doing eskimo kisses with her baby. She's so maternal! lol