Indiana Babies

So mad at Dr & Ins Co!

So I went to the hospital about a month ago with an irregular heart beat (PVC's) and my cardio says it's because the scar on my heart is electrically charging the heart to have extra beats. So he hooked me up to a monitor that I've been wearing for the past month.  I've done this once before and had no problems with billing.  Yesterday, I got a bill in the mail for $350 for the monitor use! WTF, Dr's office said I need to deal with the Ins Co, but it's so irritating!!
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Re: So mad at Dr & Ins Co!

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    Oh man, I hate all of the BS that comes with insurance and billing.  Sorry that you're having to put up with that!  I hope you're able to figure it all out quickly.
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    That sucks!  Sorry to hear that your doctors office isn't helping out with the insurance crap.  I always feel so lost when left to navigate that process myself.

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    It sucks! ?I hate ins companies. ?I used to do ins aging for a dental office. ?It's frustrating for the patient as well as the dr.
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    ugh, i despise dealing with insurance.  I really just don't understand it and it frustrates me!  I have to call our ins. co. b/c we just got a bill for hailey for $960.  I don't think it was submitted correctly or something, but I'm sick of dealing with it.  I feel for you!
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    I hope you can get it straightened out!  I hate insurance too.
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    I'm assuming you used this same dr. with the previous monitoring.  If not, make sure that they aren't charging you the difference between what the insurance company deems reasonable & customary and is what they reimburse the dr. for and then difference the dr. initially billed.  Dr's, offices, hospitals, etc are supposed to write off that difference but some of them try to sneak it onto the patient - which they can NOT do!  There is a hospital here in Indy that is notorious for doing just that.  One call to the insurance company to let them know what is going on usually gets that straightened out quickly.
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