Indiana Babies


How pathetic is it that I thought of you immediately after hearing this story?

It is ridic that the children of parents who can't pay for school lunches are being punished this way. Sad.

Unfortunately, knowing your love of cheese sandwiches I thought "Well, Kelley wouldn't mind." 

The Knot/Nest/Bump... how it influences my thinking! Haha.

Re: -Kelley-

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    LOL!  I'm not going to lie, I could totally go for a cheese sandwich and fruit right now.  I miss my little snack.  Smile

    What a pathetic attempt to change a bad situation though.  So sad.

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    PS - I really thought you were going to yell at me since I haven't updated my blog yet Smile  I have so many pictures to upload!
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    Hahaha Big Smile I have STILL been checking almost daily! I swear, I'm not adding you to my reader till you start updating again. Haha. So, THERE.

    Wow. I need a life. Haha.

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    After I tell my old co-workers on the 10th, I'm out of excuses, so I promise it will be done by the 12th....which is actually a really long time away.  Haha.  I'm going to try to at least get the rest of Nov. updated by this weekend.  It was a lot easier when Jake wasn't around!

    Speaking of which, can I tell you what a baby I am now?  Going several weeks without seeing each other seemed like no big deal last year.  Now I'm gone for 2 days and I already miss him like crazy.  I blame this on the pregnancy too.  It seems to be the excuse for everything lately.  Wink

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    Dude, I know!!! Abe went out of town for a hunting trip two weekends (I think...) ago. I felt like a sad puppy. Then, last weekend he had drill. He was gone early Saturday morning which was fine because I had to work. After work, I had a session in effing Medora (are you kidding?!?! SO charging a travel fee next time) and Abe wound up getting out of drill early. Because I was in the car for an hour after my session, I missed about three hours with him. I was super bummed. I'm such a weenie when it comes to spending time away from him now! Haha Smile And I thought I was Ms. Independent or something. Pshaw.
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    ...though, I have to say, you are much less pathetic than I am. You can and should totally blame the baby Wink


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